Molecular models are as vital a tool for the study of chemistry as calculators are for the study of mathematics. Molecular Visions TM models may be assembled in infinite combinations enabling the user to construct not only familiar configurations but also undiscovered possibilities.
Models are intended to inspire the imagination, stimulate thought, and assist the visualization process. They present the user with a solid form of an abstract object that can otherwise only be visualized by the chemist. While chemistry textbooks use letters and graphics to describe molecules, molecular models make them "real".
We would encourage you to download a copy of our Molecular Modeling Guide which will walk you though framework model building with DARLING MODELS™.
View a nanobuild at the EXPLORATORIUM in San Francisco with MOLECULARVISIONS(TM)
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Molecular Visions™ site is for commercial, international, and multi kit and multi part (over 150 pieces) orders which require shipping charges to be added to the total cost. Payment may be made by off-line credit card or purchase order. Individual kit orders and small part orders (under 150 pieces) in the USA should be placed at the DarlingModels.com site which is a credit card only e-commerce site where shipping is included in the price.